Package-level declarations

Utility to wrap a ksrpc service and allow command line configuration of hosting.

Utility to wrap a ksrpc service and allow command line configuration of hosting.

Utility to wrap a ksrpc service and allow command line configuration of hosting.


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abstract class BaseServiceApp : CliktCommand

Base class that makes it easy to host a default service on any combination of std in/out, http, and sockets.

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expect abstract class ServiceApp(val appName: String) : BaseServiceApp
actual abstract class ServiceApp(val appName: String) : BaseServiceApp

Base class that makes it easy to host a default service on any combination of std in/out, http, and sockets.

actual abstract class ServiceApp(val appName: String) : BaseServiceApp

Base class that makes it easy to host a default service on any combination of std in/out, http, and sockets.